Partnerships and contract management
Connect with experts in partner engagement and contract negotiation.
Business development and industry engagement
UQ Science
Business development
Our Science Business Development Manager facilitates industry engagement and works with researchers to identify industry-linked funding opportunities.
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Industry engagement
- Industry engagement workshops (requires UQ login)
Central UQ support
- UQ Research Partnerships leads research collaboration between UQ researchers and external partners. They can also help to develop research-led solutions to complex challenges.
- Industry Connect provides a coordinated entry point for our partners that simplifies and streamlines engagement with UQ.
- The Global Change Institute fosters the development of pathways to research impact.
- Consulting and Research Expertise (CoRE)
Industry schemes
- UniQuest is UQ’s main commercialisation company. Specialising in global technology transfer, it facilitates access for all business sectors to UQ’s world-class expertise, intellectual property and facilities.
- JKTech Pty Ltd is an independent partner assisting mine sites to achieve future production targets through advisory services and training across the value chain.
Contract management
Our Science Contracts team provides expert contract advice to researchers and leads contract negotiation with external stakeholders.
We liaise with internal stakeholders to help researchers develop and establish projects, and provide advice about:
- research project development
- budgets, in discussion with your finance team
- contractual terms and obligations
- intellectual property.
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