Governance and committees
The UQ Faculty of Science is led by the Executive Dean, who is responsible for our strategic, operational and financial direction.
A committee structure has been established partly by the Executive Dean and partly by University policies, to provide advice and ensure that our strategic and operational objectives are achieved.
Our committees
Faculty of Science Executive Committee
The role of the Faculty of Science Executive Committee is to provide a forum for the Faculty Executive to meet regularly to discuss and, where appropriate, make decisions on matters relevant to the strategic direction, academic, resource and operational matters and performance of the Faculty of Science. This is a committee constituted under Senate Rules and the Roles and Responsibilities of Executive Deans Policy.
- Chair: Executive Dean, Faculty of Science
- Secretary: Chantel Veldhoen
- Contact:
Board of Studies
The Board of Studies provides strategic advice to the Executive Dean relating to the development and performance of existing and new undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs administered by the Faculty. This is a committee constituted under Senate Rules and the Roles and Responsibilities of Executive Deans Policy.
- Chair: Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty of Science
- Secretary: Ashleigh Smith
- Contact:
Teaching & Learning Committee
The Teaching & Learning Committee is responsible for providing advice and recommendations to the Executive Dean on the quality of Teaching & Learning to ensure the highest standards in Teaching & Learning, curriculum, student experience and staff development and recognition. This is a committee constituted under Senate Rules and the Roles and Responsibilities of Executive Deans Policy.
- Chair: Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty of Science
- Secretary: Ashleigh Smith
- Contact:
Research Committee
The Research Committee provides a conduit for communication between UQ Central, the Faculty and schools/centres regarding research policy and strategic development. It assesses applications for UQ competitive schemes and advises the Executive Dean on research policy, procedure and associated activities. This is a committee constituted under Senate Rules and the Roles and Responsibilities of Executive Deans Policy.
- Chair: Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Science
- Secretary: Breeann Silvester
- Contact:
Higher Degree by Research Committee
The HDR Committee advises the Executive Dean on HDR-related policy and researcher development and provides a conduit of communication between the Graduate School, the Faculty and schools.
- Chair: Deputy Associate Dean (Research) (Researcher Development), Faculty of Science
- Secretary: Breeann Silvester
- Contact:
Higher Doctorate Committee
The Higher Doctorate Committee comprises eminent researchers and qualified persons to advise the Executive Dean on applications for admission into, and awarding of, higher doctorate programs offered by the Faculty. A higher doctorate is the highest academic award granted by the University. This is a committee constituted under the Higher Doctorate Policy.
- Chair: Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Science
- Secretary: Chantel Veldhoen
- Contact:
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
The EDI Committee’s objective is to use an evidence-based approach to implement the University’s commitment to developing and maintaining an equitable, diverse and inclusive culture for all staff and students within the Faculty.
- Chair: Professor Avril Robertson
- Secretary: Chantel Veldhoen
- Contact:
Engagement & Advancement Committee
The Engagement & Advancement Committee provides a forum for the Faculty and schools to discuss engagement and advancement objectives and services relevant to the Faculty and ensure alignment with UQ priorities and initiatives. It is a focal point for commentary to UQ Advancement, the Office of Marketing and Communications, UQ International and other cognate UQ functional divisions.
- Chair: Faculty Executive Manager, Faculty of Science
- Secretary: Kaitlyn Hawker
- Contact:
Science Professional Leadership Group
The Science Professional Leadership Group provides advice to the Executive Manager on the operational and general management functions operating within the Faculty. It is the key forum ensuring professional services alignment both within the Faculty and between the Faculty and the University’s central services.
- Chair: Faculty Executive Manager, Faculty of Science
- Secretary: Science Executive Support Officer
- Contact:
Health, Safety and Wellness Committee
The Health, Safety and Wellness Committee oversees occupational health and safety issues and initiatives across the Faculty, schools, institutes, centres and the UQ Gatton campus, including policy, resource allocation, training and educational needs, incident/injury reports, and any matters referred to it from extant committees. It fulfils the statutory requirements of the 'Work Health and Safety Act 2011' and is constituted under the Helath and Safety Risk Management Procedure.
- Chair: Executive Dean, Faculty of Science
- Secretary: Dr Kelly Cosgrove
- Contact:
All Staff Forum
The All Staff Forum meets once each semester. All Science staff are invited to attend.
- Chair: Executive Dean, Faculty of Science
- Contact:
Gatton Campus Executive Committee
The Gatton Campus Executive Committee monitors the operational, budgetary and strategic direction of the UQ Gatton campus.
- Chair: Head of School, School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
- Contact: Science Executive Support Officer -
Gatton Campus Health, Safety and Wellness Committee
The Gatton Campus Health, Safety and Wellness Committee ensures that the operations of the UQ Gatton campus are compliant with all relevant legislation and University policies and procedures. It identifies and develops plans to mitigate potential risks to the campus, staff and students, including workplace health and safety, financial and reputational.
- Chair: Gatton Campus Director, Faculty of Science
- Contact: Theresa Seru -
Student committee members
Several of our committees include undergraduate and/or postgraduate student members.
Student committee membership strengthens the Faculty’s collaborative culture and helps to shape the overall UQ student experience. It also offers students the chance to develop their leadership, personal and professional skills, and to build connections.
Find out more about student committee representation at UQ.
Staff resources
Find more information, including committee meeting agendas, minutes, reports and related documents, on the UQ Faculty of Science staff intranet (requires UQ login).