Leadership and mentoring

Apply to the UQ Leadership and Mentoring Program in Science (LaMPS) and the UQ Science Leaders Academy to enhance your personal and professional development and build your employability.

Develop your leadership and mentoring skills through the UQ Leadership and Mentoring Program in Science (LaMPS).

This extracurricular program mixes online modules with face-to-face events and covers topics including what makes an effective leader, developing leadership within yourself, effectively leading others, respecting diversity, mentoring and being mentored.

UQ LaMPS is a pathway to membership of the UQ Science Leaders Academy.

Throughout the program, you will complete:

  • three online modules (approximately ten hours)
  • online leadership panel and reflection (three hours)
  • two-day conference on the St Lucia campus.

LaMPS runs during Semester 2 only

After you complete the program, you will receive a certificate of completion and be eligible to count LaMPS as a supplementary activity towards the UQ Employability Award.

Apply for UQ LaMPS

We encourage you to complete UQ LaMPS during your first year at UQ but students in all years are welcome to apply. UQ LaMPS is open to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students enrolled in a Faculty of Science program.

Apply for LaMPS 2024

Applications will remain open until Week 1 of Sem 2 2024. Those who apply by the end of Sem 1 will get access to the modules during the winter break.

If you would like to receive the UQ LaMPS certificate of completion you will need to complete each of the online modules by its closing date and attend the panel and conference. Conference spaces are limited, so only those who have actively engaged with the program will be invited to attend.

UQ LaMPS timetable




Week 4 (soft deadline)

Module 1: Leading yourself

This module looks at what makes an effective leader and how you can develop leadership within yourself. You will develop your self-awareness, ethical decision-making, humility and courage as a leader.

Week 6 (soft deadline)

Module 2: Leading others

In this module you will develop the competencies needed to effectively lead others, including authenticity, empowering others, accountability, empathy and stewardship. You will also learn about respecting diversity and championing inclusion.

Week 8 (soft deadline)

Module 3: Mentoring

In this module you’ll learn how to find a mentor and make the most of the mentoring relationship. You’ll also learn how to become an effective peer mentor.

Panel: Evening of Tuesday 10 September (Week 8)

Reflection: due Sunday 29 September (mid-sem break)

Online leadership panel event (2 hours) and reflection

A panel of industry leaders from the science community will provide insight into their leadership experiences in their professional and personal lives.

Wednesday 25 September (mid-sem break)

Hard deadline for completion of all modules

Participants who have completed the modules will be sent the link for the online leadership panelModules must be completed by this date if you wish to fully complete the program and receive the certificate.

Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 November, 9am-5pm (the week after exams)

UQ LaMPS conference on the St Lucia campus

This conference includes interactive workshops that will expand on the ideas explored in the online modules. It will also provide opportunities to connect with fellow students to share and extend your leadership development.

Contact us

For more information, email us at studentexperience@science.uq.edu.au.

Related links

UQ mentoring

The UQ Science Leaders Academy is a diverse community of highly-engaged undergraduate and postgraduate coursework science students aiming to develop their leadership skills, contribute to the University and improve the student experience for others.

Academy members do this through:

  • volunteering opportunities – events and activities such as Orientation, Get Set mentoring, employability and student recruitment events
  • representation – committee participation, student voice and providing feedback
  • personal and professional development – training, workshops, modules, social events and professional roles
  • paid opportunities (for those who have demonstrated commitment and ability)
  • recognition of service and skill – UQ Science Leaders Award, Employability Award, UQ Future Leaders, Faculty of Science Awards and professional reference.

Apply to the UQ Science Leaders Academy

In Semester 2 each year we invite students to apply to the UQ Science Leaders Academy. The application process includes an interview. We strongly encourage you to complete UQ LaMPS before you apply.

Applications for 2025 will close on Wednesday 20 November 2024.

Apply for the UQ Science Leaders Academy

UQ Science Leaders Award

Your involvement in activities as a UQ Science Leader can count towards an application for a UQ Science Leaders Award.

This award recognises your willingness and ability to engage with, lead and serve others.

You can work towards attaining the UQ Science Leaders Award by logging the hours you spend participating in leadership and mentoring activities.

You will need to complete 75 hours of activity to apply for the award.

The UQ Science Leaders Award is an accredited activity of the UQ Employability Award.

For more information, email us at studentexperience@science.uq.edu.au.

What to expect

Anita Lin

"I was inspired to become a UQ Science Leader after interacting with a few of them in my first few weeks of university. I decided that I wanted to help out with events like that too, with the hope that I would be able to have some fun whilst improving science students' experiences at university.

“I can definitely say that these hopes were met and more. I have been involved in Orientation, camps, careers events, high school outreach programs, Open Day, networking opportunities and professional development workshops.

“I've found that what you get out of the Academy is proportional to how much you get involved, and my involvement has helped me in ways that I didn’t anticipate. I have grown more confident in my abilities and developed skills that will be relevant to any type of job I go into. I’ve also met so many like-minded, super friendly and supportive people who have become my friends.”

– Anita Lin, Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) (Mathematics)

Marley Chia

“Through the Science Leaders Academy I’ve found a passion for helping other students and enriching their experience at UQ. Volunteering to help with events such as Orientation gave me the confidence I needed to begin public speaking with the UQ Science Demo Troupe, and get involved in university clubs and societies, and student committees.

“After a few very daunting shows and speeches, I’ve found myself increasingly comfortable with the roles, especially after many things have gone wrong. I’m now able to more naturally handle and troubleshoot any problems that arise, and it has improved my confidence and adaptability overall.

“The Science Leaders Academy has helped me explore my passion for education while improving the experience of students at UQ. I’m proud of what I have achieved and grateful for the opportunities.”

– Marley Chia, Bachelor of Science (Chemistry and Physics)

Madeline Wilson

“I was never interested in something like the Science Leaders Academy. I was not the kind of person to get involved in extracurriculars and only came to university to study. I signed up for LaMPS because I thought it was an online course, I didn’t realise there was a camp…but I forced myself to go and it was the best thing I ever did.

“When I was invited to apply for Science Leaders I was really scared, but I realised “what do I have to lose?”. So since then, I've been saying "yes" to so many other experiences. I've done an internship, gone on exchange, heaps of workshops and courses, and I've learnt so much just from that one time saying "yes" to Science Leaders.”

– Madeleine Wilson, Bachelor of Biomedical Science