Executive Dean’s Message - June 2024

Professor Melissa Brown

Dear colleagues,

As we pass the winter solstice, the end of semester 1 exams, and enter into a change of scenery through annual leave and conference travel activities, we should be proud of what we have achieved in the first half of 2024, despite the many ups and downs over the past few months. I hope you all have the opportunity for some calm and rejuvenation between now and the other side of this precious time! And thank you for making UQ and the Faculty of Science such an amazing place!


A huge congratulations to Professor Paul Young (SCMB and DVCRI) and colleagues across UQ and beyond on the establishment of the Queensland Emory Vaccine Centre (QEVC), a landmark achievement in UQ’s ongoing partnership with Emory University that will significantly advance global vaccine research and development. The centre will bring together world-class researchers and industry partners to innovate and help address some of the world’s critical health challenges.

Well done to SENV colleagues, Associate Professor Celine Frere and Dr Matthew Luskin, for being awarded an ARC Linkage grant of $480,000 for their important work on the application of Airborne eDNA terrestrial biomonitoring in the near-extinct northern bettong population.

And congratulations to Associate Professor Kirsty Short (SCMB) for being awarded almost $1 million of Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) research funding through the 2023 Post-Acue Sequalae of COVID-19 scheme to develop a diagnostic test for long COVID.

Congratulations also to the following staff who have been highly ranked in the research.com ranking of environmental scientists: Professor Gordon Southam (SENV and SMI), Emeritus Professor Neal Menzies (AGFS Emeritus), Associate Professor Chris Roelfsema (SENV), Dr Daniel Dunn (SENV), Dr Scarla Weeks (SENV), Professor Hamish McGowan (SENV), and Professor Patrick Moss (SENV Honorary).


In early June, I joined our Vice-Chancellor and other colleagues on a Senior Executive Mission to Europe and the United Kingdom. It was a very busy and productive trip providing us with the opportunity to strengthen research and teaching partnerships with six universities in the UK and Germany, including Imperial College, the University of Exeter, Ludwig-Maximillians University and the Technical University of Munich, to engage with alumni and a range of important government and industry stakeholders. Lots of actions have arisen from this trip and I look forward to engaging with you and/or sharing the outcomes in due course. Thank you to Associate Professor Karyn Johnson for being Acting Executive Dean during my absence.

Last week the Faculty of Science Executive and members of the broader leadership team spent two days together to reflect on our goals and achievements and how they are supported, discuss the upcoming Bachelor of Science review, consider models for fairly allocating academic workloads, explore the outcomes of the recent Pulse survey and discuss strategies for enhancing research partnerships and industry engagement, amongst many other things. We also had a great presentation from and conversation with Cameron Costello, the new Chair of the Board of the Quandamooka, Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation (QYAC). Thank you to the many people who attended and contributed to the various sessions and to Ben Spahr, Libby Liguet and Donna Biddle for their outstanding support.

June has also been a busy time meeting with prospective applicants for promotion to Professor and discussing strategies for achieving a successful outcome. Such a highlight and privilege of my job to engage with these amazing colleagues!

I have also had the opportunity to meet and welcome colleagues from several partner universities in China who are visiting UQ, and to sign agreements for new joint teaching programs and further explore opportunities for research collaboration.

On Monday, I am looking forward to attending part of the QUEX Institute international symposium, which will showcase the outcomes of collaborations between UQ and Exeter colleagues in the areas of Global Environmental Futures, Mineral Security and Sustainability Healthy Living, Digital World and Disruptive Technology. Further information about the QUEX Institute can be found on the Global Partnerships site..

Other news

Dr Gilbert Price (SENV) and a diverse range of researchers have collaborated with the ABC on a two-part documentary about the extinct Pleistocene megafauna of Australia. Additionally, the ABC has also produced extensive teaching resources aimed at school students regarding the extinct megafauna. What a great privilege to share some of our excellent research with a wide audience of non-scientists and taking complex science and making it accessible for young minds.

Entries for the 2024 Queensland Women in STEM Prize are now open to women and female students across all STEM disciplines, inclusive of social sciences. The Queensland Women in STEM Prize awards a total cash prize pool of $24,000 across three prizes. Nominations close 5pm Friday 19 July 2024.

Professor Melissa Brown
Executive Dean - Faculty of Science

Last updated:
27 June 2024