Agriculture student’s future blooms with Pacific Seeds scholarship

23 Aug 2024

A photo of Piper Christensen
Piper Christensen is this year's Pacific Seeds Scholarship recipient. Image: Supplied

University of Queensland agribusiness and agricultural science student, Piper Christensen, has been awarded the Pacific Seeds Scholarship for 2024.

Piper, a third-year agronomy major, will receive $5,000 as part of the scholarship, and will also complete a work placement opportunity at Pacific Seeds.

“The scholarship will enable me to focus on my academics by easing the financial stress of my studies and providing security in the meantime,” she said.

“The industry experience I’ll get working at Pacific Seeds will also be a significant opportunity.

“It will allow me to get my foot in the door of the industry and provide me with valuable insights that will greatly benefit me in my early career.

“The opportunity to witness firsthand both the latest technology and practices utilised within the company, as well as the structure of the organisation and their operations will be helpful.

“I’m very excited to start working with Pacific Seeds and seeing what makes them Australia’s leading seed provider.”

Piper said the scholarship will also enable her to continue her community involvement efforts within the UQ agricultural space.

“I take immense pride in my community involvement, having been part of the student committees responsible for improving the residential life of students, as well as their involvement within the industries of their degree,” she said.

“I am also current president of the UQ Agricultural Science Society, which has given me wonderful insight into working with companies in the agricultural sector.

“This has enabled me to gain firsthand experience in the many facets of the industry through field days and company networking.

“These efforts will be facilitated more through the Pacific Seeds scholarship program and I’m very excited to get to work.”

If you are a final year student studying agricultural science and/or agribusiness, and you’re interested in applying for the Pacific Seeds Agricultural Scholarship, head to the Pacific Seeds scholarship page for more details.
