Executive Dean’s Message - April 2023

Prof. Melissa Brown

Dear colleagues

I hope you enjoyed having a break over the Easter long weekend and are refreshed for the second half of semester 2. I enjoyed a few days in the Northern Rivers region of NSW with wonderful company, weather, fresh air and food!

Despite the public holidays, April has been a busy time with appointing and welcoming new staff, hosting several important events, and the opportunity to participate in lots of government-led reviews to guide the future of universities, the ARC and science priorities.

Appointments and welcome

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Karyn Johnson (PhD, SFHEA) as the next Associate Dean (Academic) and Deputy Executive Dean in the Faculty of Science. Karyn is currently a Teaching and Research Academic and Deputy Head of School in the School of Biological Sciences, and is an award-winning teacher, accomplished researcher, and an experienced academic leader. As Associate Dean Academic and Deputy Executive Dean, Karyn will work with faculty and school leadership teams, and more broadly across UQ and beyond, to lead improvements teaching and learning in the Faculty of Science. Karyn will take up the role on 15 May 2023.

It was wonderful to welcome Susan Frost to UQ last week, to take up her role as the new Director of the Gatton Campus. Susan attended UQ Gatton Campus in the 1990s, graduating with an Associate Diploma of Applied Science (Farm Management), and has an MBA in Strategic Human Resources Management (USQ), a Graduate Certificate in Business and in Workplace Health and Safety (USQ) and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Susan has held multiple roles in the Queensland agriculture industry, run her own business, and held senior management roles in universities across Australia, most recently the University of Tasmania, where she was Associate Director – People and Wellbeing.

Thank you again to Patrick Testa for doing an outstanding job as Acting Director of the Gatton Campus for the last 12 months, in addition to being our Faculty Executive Manager.


VS Debbie Terry and Minister Ed HusicOpening of the new EQUS Quantum Physics laboratories

It was a pleasure to attend the recent opening of the new ARC Centre of Excellence in Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS)(SMP) laboratories in the UQ General Purpose South Building. Federal Minister for Industry and Science, the Honorable Ed Husic, Queensland Minister for the Environment, Great Barrier Reef and Science, the Honorable Meaghan Scanlon, Interim Queensland Chief Scientist, Bronwyn Harch, and UQ Vice Chancellor, Debbie Terry were in attendance for this very important event. In addition to Minister Ed Husic and VC Debbie Terry (pictured below during a tour of the facilities), Joe Grotowski (Head of School, SMP), Andrew White (Director of EQUS, SMP), Arkady Federov (EQUS, SMP) and Tyler Neely (EQUS, SMP) all gave great talks.

People looking at a partial solar eclipseEclipse event

As you probably know, last week there was a partial solar eclipse. Well done to Ben Pope (SMP) for leading a viewing of this event in the UQ Great Court on Thursday morning (pictured below).

Other events

Also this month, it was also a pleasure to talk to staff and answer questions at a recent SCMB staff meeting, and to attend the official opening of the World Science Festival Brisbane.

Upcoming events

Science EMCA Connect event

The Faculty of Science EMCA Committee is working hard to bring you their first event of 2023 with an opportunity to socialise and network with EMCA colleagues from across the faculty to hear about upcoming events, meet the committee and connect with colleagues old and new. The next event will be held on Thursday 4 May 2023, 12 – 2PM. Please register for the Science EMCA Connect event by Monday 1 May 2023.

SCIMEX Media Training

UQ and the Australian Science Media Centre are offering free media training for early-to mid-career UQ researchers on Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 May. Several sessions will be run by Senior Media Officer and evolutionary biologist, Dr Joe Milton. There are 4 sessions to choose from. Register for SCIMEX Media training now.

Government reviews

It's great that the new government wants to hear from the university sector, with active and consultative reviews on the future of Higher Education in Australia via the Universities Accord process, a review of the ARC Act and of Australia’s National Science Priorities.

Over 300 submissions to the Universities Accord from institutions (including UQ), peak bodies and individuals, were submitted in mid-April. These are in the process of being uploaded onto the Department of Education website, where they can be viewed.

The final report for the recent review of the ARC Act has been released and pleasingly indicates a strong commitment to improved governance, purpose and trust.

Further information on the review of the National Science Priorities can be found on the Department of Industry, Science and Resources site.

Other news

UQ Budget

As you are no doubt aware from the VC’s all-staff message last week, UQ continues to be faced with financial challenges as a consequence of pandemic-associated changes in student enrolments and escalating costs. To address this, a series of strategic projects have been established to find efficiencies and reduce expenditure.

Update on the Distribution of Disciplines project

As noted in previous newsletters, two new schools will be established in the Faculty of Science on June 30 2023: the School of the Environment and the School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability. These will replace three existing schools: SEES, SAFS and BIOL. The implementation phase of this project is well underway, and we have now completed the mapping of academic and research staff, and degree programs, majors and courses, to the new schools, and will shortly finalize the mapping of HDR students and professional staff. We are currently in the process of recruiting Heads of the two new Schools and have established transition committees to replace the committees of the three existing schools. We are currently in the process of harmonising workload models, support for students and staff, and practices that promote a positive and inclusive workplace culture. We are also planning launch events at St Lucia and at Gatton in June, the week prior to the school holidays. Further information on the Distribution of Disciplines project as well as some helpful resources can be found on dedicated Sharepoint pages.

Kind regards,

Professor Melissa Brown
Executive Dean - Faculty of Science

Last updated:
28 April 2023